The Equestrian Performance Coach has been set up by Jacqueline Murphy BSc, MSc, BHSAI accredited Horse Sport Ireland Coach who has qualifications in Management, Coaching, Psychology, Sports & Exercise Psychology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is fully Garda vetted, Insured and has child safeguarding and recognised first aid qualifications.
Working with individuals, pony clubs, riding clubs, competition yards and national governing bodies to improve performance. Jacqueline is passionate about working with riders as individuals and also sits on the British Showjumping Equality, Diversity and Inclusion working group.
With a background in the corporate world having worked with major brands combined with over 25 years qualified coaching experience, she has always enjoyed helping people from all over the world reach their goals in business and in life.
Originally from the UK Jacqueline has been horse mad her whole life having evented to 2*, ridden in races and is still a competitive amateur show jumper. She herself has recovered from major injury and come back to riding after numerous pregnancies.
Now based in Ireland she lives with her husband, children, horses and a dog called Rio in Kilkenny.
In total confidence she offers Sport Psychology Services and tailored Mental Skills Training for adults, young riders and parents.
If you would like to arrange a consultation to see if we are a good fit and how we can help with any of the below then please get in touch:
Sport / Performance Motivation
Sport / Performance Confidence
Managing Emotions /Performance Anxiety
Performing Under Pressure
Focus / concentration / attention
Team Cohesion / Unity
Mental toughness / resilience
Visualisation / Mental Rehearsal
Performance Routines
Decision making / tactics
Balancing relationships at home and in training.
Relaxation and sleep
Dealing with competitive sport.
Issues out of the saddle that effect ring performance.